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In the previous article, Build Africa Blueprint|The One Resource That Unlocks All Others, we discussed our responsibility to build Africa. We identified people as our greatest resource and appreciated the importance of harnessing their potential to accelerate our continent’s transformation.
Before we get into the practical tools each of us has to transform Africa, let’s talk about the 5 spirits each of us must possess to make a tangible and lasting impact wherever God has stationed us on earth.
Spirit in this context means “a special attitude or frame of mind” or “a mental disposition characterized by firmness or assertiveness.”[1]
These spirits are not caught by prayer, fasting, positive confession or visiting a witchdoctor. Sometimes we fail to separate the physical, mental, spiritual and social yet each has its particular role in our holistic growth and wellbeing.
The five spirits are developed through knowing, understanding and applying them in our lives daily. Each of us has an opportunity each day to exercise one or two of them. That’s how we make progress!
We can also call them personal values that guide our decision-making whether we’re in public or in private. We should hold on to them even when all others around us fail to live up to them.
Living by them makes God proud, makes us fulfilled and makes the lives of those around us better. They make us honourable – worthy of praise, respect and admiration.
At this point, it helps to note that practising these spirits is not for the weak-hearted or cowardly. They require sacrifice, courage and discipline right from the start until the end of your life.
Don’t be surprised when only a few choose to embrace them and when some fight you because you’re getting in their way by sticking to them.
Now to the 5 transformation spirits we need to build Africa and influence the world;
God says,
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.”
(Hosea 4:6 NKJV)
On our continent today, people die of easily preventable diseases and accidents, fail in business because they lack basic entrepreneurship skills and struggle in their marriages and careers because they didn’t prepare properly for them. Others are victims of conmen with their get-rich-quick schemes and false teachers who ride on their ignorance to access their hard-earned money.
It’s been said that the best place to hide something from an African is to hide it in a book. That should never be true of you.
Resolve to read at least one book per month. Imagine being literate and not reading at least one book in a year. I think it’s sad for a literate Christian not to have read the Bible from cover to cover after years of being a Christian. How will they know God and what He says about them? Who would be to blame when a false teacher leads them astray?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article.
Ignorance is no defence no matter how sincere someone is. That’s why breaking a law or principle will not spare a person the consequences.
Mind you, we can’t solve our current problems while caught up in the same mindset that created them. We must go a step higher in our knowledge and understanding or bring in an outsider with new ideas to see the problem from another perspective as we find the solution together.
To possess the spirit of learning and applying what is learnt demands self-discipline (practising the right habits daily) and self-control (avoiding the wrong habits daily) to enjoy its fruit. Some may not be ready to pay the price.
The good news is that learning is a lifelong lifestyle. Anyone can cultivate a culture of learning. We don’t have to know everything out there but we need to acquire knowledge in these five areas;
#1: Know God
– to understand who He is, what He expects of you and what He says about the afterlife.
#2: Know Yourself
– your identity, purpose, assignment, values and the strengths and weaknesses of your personality.
#3: Know How To Take Care Of Your Body And Physical Health
– how to exercise and eat a balanced diet while avoiding drugs, smoking, sexual immorality and other harmful habits. Why die before your time because of abusing and misusing the body?
Check out interesting articles on the power, purpose, perils of sex and the FLEE plan for overcoming sexual temptations. HERE.
#4: Know How To Grow And Be Competent In Your Career Or Business
– study to the highest level possible within your means, learn how to grow your career or how to start and grow a business. Have a plan for continuous improvement in whatever you do.
#5: Know How To Build Flourishing Relationships
– how to live, love and serve people starting with your family, brethren, friends and the rest of the people in your circles.
What You Need To Know Is Within Reach
We must stop thinking the best solutions come from the West or China. With the right teamwork and partnerships, we can come up with local solutions to our problems.
“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.”[2] African Proverb
Company, religious and government leaders expect staff to deliver exceptional results yet they invest little in training, mentoring and coaching. Usually, our leaders are also limited in helping because they were not trained, mentored or coached. Because nobody can give what they didn’t receive, we can’t blame them or throw stones at them.
That means you can’t wait for your parent, leader and spiritual leader to give you all the answers or solutions you need to change your life. You have to go beyond what they teach you and discover more from elsewhere. The outcome of your life will be the result of choices, not theirs.
If your current source of knowledge or spiritual food cannot satisfy your hunger and thirst, it’s time to eat and drink from elsewhere. Though I’ve learnt a lot from books and contemporary teachers, studying the Bible has transformed my life the most. I’m now convinced the Bible is the only book with a holistic solution to all man’s problems when interpreted and applied appropriately.
Jesus said,
“…People do not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”(Matthew 4:4)
As Pass On Leadership Africa, we believe life and leadership skills are crucial for the transformation of each person.
We continue to call upon churches and companies to become skills training centres. In Africa, we easily pull off events like weddings, parties and funerals but do little to intentionally train our people. How can a church have illiterate people yet have people who can be trained to teach others to read and write? (If your church needs an English literacy program, get in touch with us.)
It’s time companies dedicated a work day in week to train, mentor and coach their employees not only in knowledge that directly affects company operations but also in life skills that help employees grow in their personal lives. Training doesn’t pay cash but it brings benefits money can’t buy.
Unless we’re intentional and consistent students and seekers of knowledge to solve problems, there is little hope for Africa. We must embrace the spirit of learning in our families, churches, companies and communities.
Nowadays, most people will not do anything for you unless you pay them. They rather be idle at home watching stuff or playing games than serve others for free.
Even in homes, some kids demand payment for doing home chores, some wives feel they deserve payment or reward for raising children and doing their marital duties and some men are happy to depend on women.
Such attitudes have to change.
We need to have the spirit of a servant which is the willingness to meet the needs of others whether we’re paid or not, and whether we receive praise or not.
One of the reasons why more people are lonely today is because they make life all about them. They don’t realize that greatness, fulfilment and happiness come from serving those who can’t repay us.
“The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:11-12)
I’ve observed that serving others in small ways opens our creativity and doors to serve on other levels. That’s why Jesus himself came to serve not to be served. You too are here on earth to serve your fellow man.
Notice that the spirit of servanthood operates with humility which is “the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others”[3]
Did you know that some of the richest people on earth are those who serve or solve the challenges of the greatest number of people? Of course, some build their wealth by taking advantage of the weak or making luxurious goods for the very rich, but happy are those who find a way to use what they have to serve others.
Have you asked yourself why you work so hard each day?
The best motivation for starting a business or working for someone is to solve a problem of people first, not to earn money. The better you get at solving problems, the more you’ll become creative and increase your income and fulfilment in your work and life.
Lastly, servants don’t hang on to power or be preoccupied with position and prestige. They mentor and coach others who will continue the work of meeting the needs they have dedicated their lives to. They don’t think of themselves only and the now, but also plan for those they’ll leave behind to continue their legacy long after they’re gone.
“3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.
4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”
(Philippians 2:3-4)
“Always give your best,” wrote Dr Ben Carson in his book Think Big. This little statement changed my perspective on studies and work while in primary school.
Are you competent or well-trained in what you do?
Whatever you do, whether you’re a hawker, taxi conductor, doctor, engineer, carpenter, chef or business owner, resolve to be excellent by default.
Go an extra mile in your duties. Give your best to your employers as if the company were yours.
“Do you see any truly competent workers?
They will serve kings rather than working for ordinary people.”(Proverbs 22:29)
As Africans, we’re different people working in different sectors yet we’re on the same team. When each of us does our best in our station, we make Africa great. We can’t be proud of ourselves for prospering or achieving greatness if we have not helped as many fellow human beings as we can to progress in their lives, too.
“Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave,
there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.”
(Ecclesiastes 9:10)
Integrity means “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.”
The Merriam-Webster dictionary goes further to give more synonyms of integrity[4]; Honesty, honor, integrity, probity mean uprightness of character or action.
> HONESTY implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.
> HONOR suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of one’s profession, calling, or position.
> INTEGRITY implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge.
> PROBITY implies tried and proven honesty or integrity.
As you can see from the words above, integrity is not only a rare commodity, but it’s also hard to maintain in a wicked and corrupt society.
Yet it’s a universal principle for life and business. Without trust, we can’t thrive or go far in marriage, business, politics and religion.
We must stop cheating and lying to each other. Be the one that is known for integrity in your trade or department. At first, it’s tough. But with time, people learn to respect a man of integrity and they’ll want to work with such a person because they know he won’t cheat them.
Strive to be a man or woman of your word. Be slow to promise what you can’t deliver and when you promise, fulfil your promises even when it hurts.
I’m concerned that some married people aren’t keeping their vows. The two most popular articles on our website are What Next When Cheating Happens|Should You Stay Or Leave The Marriage? and I Didn’t Know Adultery Is This Terrible|10 Ugly Consequences Of Cheating
Cheating in marriage is the worst betrayal and demonstration of lacking integrity. How can someone look in the eyes of another and promise faithfulness only to go behind their back and get naked with another person? Did you know cheating makes someone break all the 10 commandments of the Bible?
Read more about preventing cheating in this article; 12 Ways To Prevent Adultery In Marriage| We Are Candidates of Cheating
I’ve also observed that citizens are quick to condemn corrupt government officials yet we’re corrupt when we pay to secure positions for our children in schools, bribe to get contracts in companies, bribe police officers when we make a traffic offence and find ways to cheat revenue authorities. Aren’t we the same except for the amounts exchanging hands?
That means that corruption is nurtured right from the family and eventually it is reflected in the calibre of government officials, church leaders and company CEOs who lead us. Those corrupt people are our siblings, uncles, aunties, parents, relatives and church members.
They’re us.
It takes great courage to live a life of integrity in the world today. I’m not sure how anyone can do it in their strength. We need God’s help.
In the Bible, men of God like Joseph, Nehemiah, Daniel and his friends among others served foreign kings faithfully and remained true to God and didn’t compromise their values. Of course, they went through prison, fire, den of lies and false accusations because of their integrity but God kept them until they completed their mission where He had positioned them.
Your role wherever you are is to be ethical and godly in the strength God gives you. Don’t follow the example of those who cut corners. Be known for your transparency, honesty and godliness.
Then you’ll be a true man or woman of God and an honourable son and daughter of Africa. Any time someone wants to contract someone with integrity, all fingers will point towards you because you’ve proved your uncompromising stand for integrity.
Division is an enemy of progress in any family, organization or community. A kingdom divided from within can’t stand for long. It takes people becoming of one language, one heart and one mind to accomplish great things.
Remember the story of the tower of Babel. The people united around one purpose, spoke the same language and pooled their resources together. God had to come down to see what they were doing.
“Look!” he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!” (Genesis 11:6)
Human history is a testament to what men can accomplish when they’re united to accomplish one vision.
Unfortunately, our enemies, from within and without, have used ‘divide and rule’ to conquer us and keep us in bondage. We can’t fight among ourselves as Africans and expect to compete on a global stage.
Our unity as African brothers and sisters makes us strong. We’re only weak and vulnerable without each other.
“9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone?
12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
We should not give room to anyone from within or outside to bring divisions among us. Why do we fight each other? Why do we bring each other down through witchcraft, gossip and sabotage? Why do we allow outsiders to use us against each other?
We need to learn collaboration on a family level, in business and even in government. Just because a political party is in the opposition, should it oppose every government program?
Unity is not easy due to people’s personal interests but we must collaborate and wish each other well. If we don’t, we’ll continue to destroy each other, and none of us will benefit in the end.
Imagine someone using witchcraft to hinder and destroy another. Rather than wishing others well, learning from them and even supporting them where possible, haters will bring down those above them, put roadblocks to those behind them, trip those running ahead of them and distract those running beside them. That’s selfishness. I don’t know any other solution to this disease than learning from the selfless and sacrificial giving that Jesus Christ demonstrated for humanity.
Read more about the true gospel of Jesus Christ in this article; THE PRECIOUSNESS, POWER & PRODUCT OF THE TRUE GOSPEL| Reject different Gospels & Christs
Lastly, we need to collaborate with well-wishers from other continents for business, education, mentoring and other beneficial opportunities.
Which of the five spirits do you need to cultivate in your life, family, church or company right away?
In the next article, 4 Practical Tools To Transform Africa| Make Your Contribution NOW, we shall discuss how the above five spirits are the foundation of the practical tools we possess to transform our continent.
At Pass On Leadership Africa, our MISSION is to equip, mentor and coach Christian leaders and youth workers to facilitate the holistic transformation of the youth so they can thrive, serve and drive forward their churches, companies, communities and countries.
Our VISION is to see a movement of passionate trainers transforming the lives of the youth everywhere.
Please pray with us. We need God’s wisdom, provision and grace to train trainers and raise funds to accomplish the ministry He has entrusted to us. To learn more about how you can participate and invest in our work, please visit our Support page.
If you’d like to be trained and join our team of trainers, Register HERE.
Thank you for reading this article. I welcome your comments and questions below – as iron sharpens iron, let’s sharpen each other.
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
[1] “Spirit.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.
[2] Accessed 3/4/2024
[3] Definition of humility from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press. Accessed 3/4/2024
[4] “Integrity.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.
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