Contact Info
- Kireka, Kampala
- +256 775 585 708
- Office Hrs: Today 9.00am to 6.00pm
When Christians are intentional and consistent in supporting their ministers with whatever little or much, in kind or money, they please God. This also encourages ministers to devote themselves to ministry.
Meet the above needs in the lives of others but don’t always count on them to meet them in yours.
Why is it so difficult for us to meet these needs for each other?
The DISC assesses a person’s personality style as regards their strengths, weaknesses, dislikes, fears and motivations. It also reveals one’s level of strengths of influencing, directing, processing, detailing, creating, persisting and relating in leadership.
You’re BLESSED to be a blessing. The way to be happy and fulfilled in life is to use what God has given you to serve your family, church and community, company and country.
Would you rather risk and press forward to the roadblock and hope to be let through OR you’d do your best to meet the conditions for the identity card and have it with just in case the roadblock is here?
Every government leader has a great opportunity before him to make a great impact during his time in office. Sadly, some have no idea why they hold positions of authority, so they abuse their power and harm themselves and those they lead.
Networking starts with cultivating a servant attitude – the willingness to serve others whether or not we get something in return. Those who apply themselves to serve others with the pure motive of loving their neighbour are the happiest and most fulfilled people among us.
The worst anyone can say on their deathbed is, “I wish I knew.” I wish I had not done this or that. That’s why the righteous rest in peace because they have nothing to hide, nothing to lose and nothing to fear.
“Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.” Apostle Paul.
People who go through near-death experiences describe it as being pulled out of a heavy jacket and finding themselves in another realm that’s more real than anything they’ve ever experienced. Most of the time, those who return never remain the same.