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Contact Info

  • Kireka, Kampala
  • +256 775 585 708
  • info@passonleadershipafrica.org
  • Office Hrs: Today 9.00am to 6.00pm

Teach & Train

learning experiences!..

We believe the truth of God's Word makes people wise, counters lies and transforms lives.

Here are our key objectives as we teach and train

  • Teach full counsel of biblical truth.
  • Apply and defend the truth in everyday life.
  • Help clients to discover their identity in Christ, purpose and assignment in life.
  • Build Christians to maturity so they can bear lasting fruit.
  • Equip leaders to be smart servants in their sphere of influence.

Explore Our Teach & Train Model

Our Teach & Facilitate Courses

We can't give what we've not received. That's why we need to learn constantly and be ready to teach others. Here are our focus areas.

Empowers Christians to become mature.

Every Christians needs to know and be intimate with God, understand thier identity in Christ, know thier purpose and assignment in life so they can bear lasting fruit.
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FLEE Plan of Sexual Purity

Sexual sins destroy families in different way but God has given us a blueprint to overcome sexual tempations and remain sexually pure.
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Personal Finance God’s Way

Nobody can serve two masters said Jesus. Because money competes with God in our lives, we need to learn, earn and distribute resources God's way.
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Leaders Are Made

Great leadership is passed on from one leader to another. That's why good learners make better leaders than poor learners.
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Learning Has A Price Tag

“To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.”
Proverbs 12:1

Something Worth Getting

"Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do!"
Proverbs 4:7