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We can’t live the Christian life and be true witnesses of Christ in the world without understanding who Jesus is, His message and our identity in Him.
He is at the start, centre and end of mankind’s past, present and future.
That’s why we count time as BC (Before Christ) and AD (After Christ was born). If we miss Christ, we miss everything.
This article is not meant to put any Christian down but to help us test ourselves. Apostle Paul wrote;
“Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith.” (2 Corinthians 13:5)
I sat in a discipleship class of fifteen participants listening to their testimonies about life before salvation, how they came to Christ and life after receiving Christ. My heart sank when I realized all, except one, had come to Christ because of marital issues, disease, joblessness, deliverance from demonic oppression, and loss of a loved one among other problems they were facing. There was no mention of God’s love, deliverance from sin and hell or the hope of eternity.
Is that the essence of the true gospel?
Similar reasons brought multitudes to Christ because they wanted miracles, signs and free food.
Furthermore, most of the religious Jews and even the disciples looked forward to a physical Messiah who would deliver them from the Romans, restore their kings and bring prosperity to the land. They missed their Messiah because He came as a carpenter’s son, was born in a manger and spent His life serving people. They expected a king with a conquering army but God gave them a suffering servant.
Doesn’t that sound like the Messiah or Jesus Christ many Christians want today? The one who will make them successful in their careers or ministries, bless them with material riches and possessions, give them perfect health and heal all their physical diseases, crash their enemies and deliver them from demonic oppression and attacks!
Many people want the products and life principles of the Bible for a good life on earth but not God’s presence and the Person of Christ who gives them eternal life.
Is that the Jesus Christ the apostles preached in the early church?
Who is Jesus Christ to you?
One of the reasons for the stagnation, shallowness and immaturity of many Christians today is little understanding of Christ’s true identity and their identity in Him.
This has led to frustration, disappointment and falling away from the faith because their expectations and hopes weren’t met. And because of this, their impact and fruitfulness is minimal. They’re lightless and saltless in a dark and immoral world.
Could it be that many Christians are not true disciples of Christ because they believed through the preaching of a false gospel? They may have said the prayer of accepting Christ with their lips but their hearts never changed. And the genuinely saved may not understand and fully appreciate the message of the true Gospel as revealed in the Bible, so they remain immature after many years of attending and serving in their local churches!
This problem worsens for those who grew up in church – especially in churches that use their members rather than build them up.
They may consider themselves good people, saved and going to heaven. They may remember the day or days they walked to the altar to accept Christ and may know scriptures and speak all the right Christian words but still not walk as Christ walked and may have little knowledge of their purpose and assignment in life.
Their familiarity with Christ, the Holy Spirit and the things of God proves this. They may know how to pray right and serve in church but they’ve forsaken their first love. (Revelations 2:4) They may not even be sure of the 10 hindrances to their prayers! and may not be one of The Most Wanted Christian In Their Generation.
They’re like the traitor Judas Iscariot who served Christ as treasurer, walked with Christ, ate with the disciples, saw the miracles and benefited financially from Christ’s ministry. Yet all along he was pretending, conniving and plotting to betray Jesus. He was very close, yet never had a true spiritual encounter with the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ died to deliver us from sin and eternal death, so He can transform us and become the Lord, Master or Commander in Chief of our lives.
Is Jesus Christ the first love and most important person in your life? Do you value the Words of your heavenly Father? Are you aware of the work of the Holy Spir in your Christian walk?
If Jesus Christ returned right now, would He take you or you’d be left behind?
Jesus said,
“On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’” (Matthew 7:22-23)
If you’re not sure of the content of the true gospel or you struggle to explain it to someone who needs to hear it, I welcome you to read the summary of the true gospel in this article; DID YOU BELIEVE THE TRUE GOSPEL?|Be Sure Of Your Eternal Destiny
Thank you for reading this article. I welcome your comments and questions – as iron sharpens iron, let’s sharpen each other.
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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