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We live in times of great deception.
Many Christians have entrusted their spiritual health to self-seeking, carnal and cunning ‘men of God.’ Rather than watch over their souls, they use them to grow their ministries, fatten their bank accounts and fill their family bellies. They make promises God has not made and claim superior revelations and knowledge instead of teaching the whole counsel of God’s Word verse by verse. (Acts 20:27) They’re bold, financed, connected and with excellent public relations on social media.
The bad news is they won’t stop. They’ll get worse.
The good news is God has given us a way to detect and dodge their false teachings.
The Bereans in Acts 17 were noble and open-minded. They received the Word gladly but cross-checked and examined the teachings of Paul with Scriptures to find out whether his teachings were true. (Acts 17:11)
Are you devoted to your pastor, apostle, reverend or prophet more than Christ? Do you quote your denomination’s founder – Wesley, Luther, Calvin, and Pope among others – more than the Bible? Can you discern when someone teaches lies on the pulpit? Who has the final say in your life?
I challenge you to become a Berean.
Don’t listen, clap and walk away from a sermon. Have your Bible with you as you listen! Carry your notebook to church and take notes. We’re blessed we can access free commentaries and articles online. Please do your homework.
Be careful not to follow blindly or believe everything you hear from ministers of the Word.
Because few Christians study their Bibles, worldly wisdom and philosophies have crept into the church. These teachings are holes in a ship that sink the faith of many. We’ve come to this sorry and sad state because we think and live like the world rather than allow the Word of God to transform the way we think and inform the way we live. (Romans 12:2)
God warned Isaiah not to think like everyone else and to preserve God’s teachings because those who contradict His Word are destitute, weary, hungry and completely in the dark. (Isaiah 8:11-22)
We must cut off false teachings and become fools in the world but wise before God. We must resolve to live by the truth of the scriptures even if it means standing alone or else, we’ll sink with the wicked.
Even as you read my articles and books, examine what you read. I don’t know or understand everything. I don’t want you to believe my ideas or use my experiences as the standard. Who am I but a seeker of truth and a fellow sojourner to heaven? Examine my writings with the truths of God’s Word.
Please take the Word of God, as revealed in the Bible, with reverence.
Make the Bible your most studied book and searched topic on your browsers or phone daily. Listen to and read books of ministers who rightly divide the Word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) Only then shall you receive the divine blessings and true wealth that come from God. (Joshua 1:8, James 1:25)
I must warn you, though!
As the Holy Spirit opens your eyes and ears to the truths of certain scriptures, they’ll either offend or bring you to your knees in repentance and seek God’s strength to live by them. Like medicine or surgery, the truth hurts.
The Holy Spirit will apply the truth in the area of your life where you’re sick. So, be ready to endure the pain of training until you gain true spiritual healing, freedom and skill to differentiate between good and evil. (Hebrews 5:14)
One time while in a Bible discussion, a friend said I speak much theory because I brought up a scripture she didn’t want to hear. We were discussing contentment and she didn’t like that word.
It’s possible to regard the Word of God as theory or mere principles for life but the Word is life and Christ Himself! (John 1:1, Revelations 19:13)
Allow every truth in scripture to take you where God wants. Accept the truth even when it hurts or makes little sense. Lay down your opinions, biases and experiences at the altar of God’s Word. Let the Word override, overrule and overtake every other principle that guides your life. Ask the Lord to make it real in your life and to give you the grace to live by it!
When Christians despise one ‘small truth’, they cut themselves off from receiving more truth in other areas of their lives.
The truth will transform and set you free only as you continue in the truth you already know! (John 8:31-32)
I liken scripture truths to a buffet served by Christ that we must partake in its fullness.
Every truth matters.
Every truth is big.
Every truth is essential for our spiritual growth.
Therefore, we live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4) And as we go through life, the Holy Spirit will teach us what we need to know at every step of the journey.
A bird needs two wings to fly. In the same way, we need to consider the two sides of divine truth or wisdom lest we fly on one wing. Some Christians and denominations fall into the trap of picking one truth and running with it and end up on one extreme side of truth.
Two sides of truth may appear contradictory at first sight yet they’re both true and complementary. “And show you the secrets of wisdom! For sound wisdom has two sides…” (Job 11:6 NASB)[1]
Let’s consider a few examples from the Bible.
God loves sinners and wants none to perish yet His justice demands He hates them because of their wickedness and sends them to hell. (John 3:16, Psalms 5:5, 11:5-6, Leviticus 20:23) He is a God of compassion yet a God of wrath. Heaven and hell are both real. Jesus is the Son of God and Son of man at the same time. God softens hearts and hardens hearts. He gives life yet takes away life. We fear God as the supreme One yet love Him as our Father.
Other controversial examples in the writing of Robert Govett are about God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility, God is one yet in three Persons and the perseverance of the saints, among others.[2]
In our search for truth, we should be careful to avoid extremes. We should believe the full counsel of God’s Word. Just because a certain truth is hard to understand or seems contradictory, doesn’t make it false.
Therefore, let’s believe and live by every Word of God. Let’s remain within what is written in the Bible. (Deuteronomy 29:29) Let’s add to the words of the Bible. Let’s defend every truth God has revealed in the holy scriptures.
As we wait in God’s presence sitting at the feet of Jesus with an open Bible, the Holy Spirit rains the manna we need for that day and that season. If we ever reject any truth, we’re turning away from Christ himself because Christ is Truth, Word of God and heavenly bread (manna). (John 14:6, John 6:49-51)
How can we give up on the source that never runs dry and the oven that never runs out of bread?
Jesus said, “The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” (John 6:63)
My goal is to point you to God and His every Word. It’s Him who has and knows what you need. My words mean nothing if they don’t help you grow in God’s knowledge, love for Christ and bear more fruit of the Spirit.
I welcome correction and rebuke from any Christian who finds false teachings in what I teach and write. My prayer is to remain true to Christ and His Word.
Whenever you read my articles and books, have your Bible near because we’ll refer to it many times.
Only the Word of God can change your life!
Apostle Paul wrote;
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12)
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
You’re blessed to have the Word of God. Study and crosscheck scriptures like a Berean!
Important Notice
My writings target Christians. Unless you’re born again (John 3:3-21), most of the truths, insights or wisdom will not make sense.
Without understanding and believing the true gospel, you can’t become a new creation and won’t receive the Holy Spirit who teaches and helps a Christian to live a godly life.
If you’re not sure about you’re born again or you don’t know your identity as a child of God or you’re not ready for the return of Jesus Christ, please read Did You Believe The True Gospel|Be Sure Of Your Eternal Destiny.
Thank you for reading this article. I welcome your comments and questions – as iron sharpens iron, let’s sharpen each another.
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[1] New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation.
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