Listen to the article: Immature Christians may think they know everything and don’t need a teacher. But to learn and grow, a believer needs the ministers who teach the Word. Often times, the attitude and actions of students toward their teacher affect how much they benefit and how long it takes them to mature. God uses human vessels to preach the Gospel and disciple believers to maturity by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Greetings, A very happy birthday to you. What a blessing you’re still breathing. Many who were born on the same day as you are dead. Those who are still alive may be on a sick bed, on the street begging, languishing in prison or in a rehabilitation centre trying to get their lives together. I join the world to celebrate you. I hope you know God loves you and made you so unique in all
Every human being matters. Every human being is made in the image of God. And no matter how fallen, depressed, deprived or degraded a person becomes, they still have value because their soul will exist forever. Our Creator knows what we need to flourish on Earth. Sadly, people often choose to do as they please and have fun in whatever way they choose but in the process complicate their lives because they refuse to heed
No man should ever touch a woman without the permission of her father if she is single or her husband if she is married. “Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” (1 Corinthians 7:1 NKJV) Just because a person sees a house, car or land they like doesn’t give them the right to own it. To have what’s not yours, title deeds
There has been a lot of talk about Africa arising in the secular world and spiritual revival in the church world but little clear and practical strategy of how these will come about. Sometimes it feels like the proposed suggestions are for and by the few elite, educated and anointed ones while the rest are supporters and spectators. Yet a transformed continent demands intentionality and self-sacrifice from every individual. In the first article of this
In the previous article, Build Africa Blueprint|The One Resource That Unlocks All Others, we discussed our responsibility to build Africa. We identified people as our greatest resource and appreciated the importance of harnessing their potential to accelerate our continent’s transformation. Before we get into the practical tools each of us has to transform Africa, let’s talk about the 5 spirits each of us must possess to make a tangible and lasting impact wherever God has
The fate of Africa is in the hands of Africans. If you’re a son or daughter of Africa, you might seem small in your eyes but God gave you what you need to transform your life and that of others in significant ways as we shall see in this three-part series on building our continent. Africa needs you whether you’re in or outside Africa. These three articles may taste like a bitter pill in your
If my DISC assessment results had turned out different, I’d not be got the job of COO with YAW PERBI Executive Education. When I applied, my employer knew the personality style for the position. Unknown to me, the last interview was to take the DISC assessment. I took it and the results were positive; Peacemaker SC! I got the job. Perhaps you’ve encountered different personality assessments out there. But the DISC is the most widely
Man proposing to his girlfriend “Boys are clueless,” said one girl at a fellowship retreat at campus. She meant they take a long time to see what’s before them. Do you agree? Take my example, for instance. My wife Damalie was my friend for years before my eyes opened to the possibility of her being my wife. I was busy running after another girl, yet my future wife was my friend. Perhaps it was God’s
When a girl rejected me, I didn’t accept it. I thought the girl was playing hard to get and kept trying until I ran out of ideas. At one time I believed my moves were too good to fail! Looking back, it was foolish to continue pursuing someone who was not interested in me for several reasons; + She knew what she wanted, and it wasn’t me. + She has a right to say yes
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